Holistic Defense
Imagine facing a legal challenge. The weight of the unknown, the stress of court appearances, the fear of what comes next...it can feel overwhelming. Now, imagine having a team in your corner. We are that team. That is why we practice holistic defense.
Some defense lawyers mostly focus on the law itself. But holistic defense goes a step further. Attorneys that practice holistic defense know that people in trouble with the law often have other problems too, like trouble finding a place to live, struggling with mental wellbeing or mental health, losing their job, or maybe even struggling with drugs or alcohol. Addressing them can make a difference in your case.
In our holistic defense model, your attorney will be assisted by other professionals in:
- Immigration
- Mental Health Advocacy
- Social Work
- Record Clearance & Post-conviction Services
- Paralegal Services
- Investigation
Your Attorney will advocate for the best outcome for your case. They will be joined by these professionals and other experts who can help with challenges connected to your case.
Here are some of the benefits of holistic defense:
- Better outcomes for clients: Studies have shown that clients who receive holistic defense are more likely to have their cases dismissed, get lighter sentences, and avoid recidivism.
- Cost saving: By addressing the client’s underlying issues, holistic defense can help to reduce the number of people who end up in jail or prison, which saves taxpayers money.
- Public Safety: Holistic defense connects clients to mental health, substance use, and other support services. These connections help address underlying issues that can contribute to our clients’ cases. These services can keep families together, keep children in school, remove barriers to employment and education, and prevent homelessness. This increases the overall stability of vulnerable people which reduces recidivism
- Stronger communities: When people get the help they need, they're more productive members of their communities.